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In-person content and distance learning platform

Academia Genesis

Education provides the knowledge needed to adopt new technologies, sustainably manage resources and improve production practices.

With agribusiness evolving every day, staying up to date on the field is essential to position yourself and make a difference in the market. Our courses provide specialized training, enabling professionals to face the challenges of the field.

Uma mulher está sentada na grama com um caderno e uma caneta.

Key Features

Uma pessoa está segurando uma pilha de grãos de soja nas mãos.

grain classification

  • Training in grain classification (theory and field practice)
Um trator está arando um campo ao pôr do sol.

Insurance expertise

  • Training in agricultural insurance expertise;
  • Training in insurance expertise for agricultural machinery and equipment.
Um homem está parado em um campo segurando um tablet.

Development of training with certification from regulatory bodies

  • To meet the need for qualification in the performance of operational activities
Um homem de camisa xadrez está falando ao celular em um campo

Contact us and learn about our courses

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