Grain Classification
Quality analysis of soybean, corn, wheat, sorghum, meal, cottonseed, sesame, castor bean, canola, etc.
Quality Diagnosis
Product quality assessment and inspection of structures in farms, silos, warehouses, and terminals.
Internal and Third-Party Audits
Conducted at destinations.
Rapid Tests and Laboratory Analyses
Including GMO corn, GMO soybean, biotechnology identification, mycotoxins (aflatoxin, DON, ochratoxin, fumonisin, zearalenone, etc.), Falling Number, starch, pH, moisture, protein, oil, ash, and fibers.
Product Sampling at Origin
(sampling of grains, soil, fertilizers, oils) with delivery to laboratories or locations defined by the contractor.
Field Management
Management and printing of tax documents at origin.
Toll Recharge System at Origin
Anti-Fraud Validator for Loading Orders
Unloading Scheduling
Truck scheduling management at destinations.
Yard and Queue Control